Sunday, July 26, 2009

One Year Later!

Has a year passed since I started this blog? Unbelievable. Time passed all too quickly. Last November was very exciting: I had my first one person show at Spectrum Gallery. A huge success since it was my first, with many friends there to help, including Bill, John, Lloyd, my family and my sister from Iowa! This picture was taken in my friend Sherry's garden, of a garden fairy that blesses her space.

Some of my favorite images were nature photographs, but I also enjoyed showing many architectural views.This photography was taken at the Lady of the Snows Shrine in Illinois. I absolutely LOVED all the angles, dimensions and spaces this view created! And look at the lovely sky that particular day!

The Gallery itself is a great space with large room formal gallery and smaller room wonderful for inventive showing. Here is a picture of the some of my photographs and watercolors.
All that took place in November. Since then my Uncle lost his wife, and has needed much medical attention and help. I've had nearly no time at all with my arts, but sharing this with you might help boost my motivation to MAKE TIME! If you have any words of wisdom regarding making time for our creative thoughts and arts, please pass them on!
I am hoping to spend some of my time with watercolors and colored pencils in the months to come, which can be easily transported where ever I am.
Having just returned from a much needed week's vacation with our kids to Las Vegas, I was inspired very much by the architectural views and the color palettes in that adult playground! Perhaps they will be included in my new work! That's all for now! Have a lovely week and a great end of July 2009!

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Today's Photo

Today's Photo
In the Caesar's Forum Shoppes, Las Vegas with my son, Jay